Exercise 10

Story 1

Link: https://www.promises.com/addiction-blog/is-online-gambling-more-addictive/

Summary: This article reveals how online gambling can be more addictive than traditional gambling due to how accessible and available it is to the user. Various physiological factors make online gambling very risky especially for individuals prone to addiction.

Newsworthiness: This article is important in today’s world as online gambling and gambling addictions are high. This can help users understand the negative impacts they may face if they are not careful with how they bet. 

Story 2 

Link: https://www.dcreport.org/2024/06/14/americas-economic-growth-opportunity-through-the-casino-industry/#:~:text=The%20latest%20American%20Gaming%20Association,billion%20in%20wages%20and%20salaries.

Summary: This story shows the reader the significant economic impact of the casino industry in the US. It points out how the latest data from the American gaming association shows the industry’s potential for further growth and its contribution to national economic recovery.

Newsworthiness: I find this story newsworthy because it shows interesting facts for someone who is interested in different aspects of gambling and the benefits it can have for society as a whole. 

Story 3

Link: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/110415/why-does-house-always-win-look-casino-profitability.asp

Summary: this story explains to us how casinos maintain profitability by using odds that mathematically can’t loose in the long run for the house. Although players may win short term, the structure of casino games ensures the house always has the odds in their favor. 

Newsworthiness: This article is extremely interesting for gamblers because it shows them the hard facts about the games they are playing and why the house truly always wins.

Story 4

Link: https://hollywoodprogressive.com/sponsnored/make-in-a-day#:~:text=According%20to%20data%20for%202021,That’s%20%2438%2C360%20per%20day.

Summary: this article shows how much casinos are making daily. In Nevada on average a casino rakes in over 90,000 dollars a day with top earning casinos making well over a million dollars every day of the year.

Newsworthiness: This story is quite shocking to the reader and it is going on as we speak making it a relevant topic to learn about.

Story 5 

Link: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2023/07/how-gambling-affects-the-brain

Summary: in this article we learn about the similarities between a gambling addiction and substance abuse addictions. The article shows that the same neurological pathways are triggered with gambling and substance abuse. Neurological responses can lead to compulsive behaviors, making it hard for individuals to stop despite the consequences.

Newsworthiness: This is quite an alarming topic as gambling is a part of society that lots of people take part in. It is also interesting to see the links between gambling addiction and other addictions.